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Dental Assistant Training Schools in or near Arkansas

Arkansas Dental Assisting Schools

Find a Arkansas campus or online school with certified dental assistant training classes, diploma, or associate degree programs. Become a dental assistant in 9 months to 2 years depending on the program you choose. Listed colleges have financial aid for students who qualify. Use your ZIP Code to connect with an excellent dental assistant school in Arkansas.

Learn about the requirements to apply to a dental assisting program.

State of Arkansas Dental Assisting Requirements

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Dental Assisting Schools in or near Arkansas

Arkansas Northeastern College
2501 S Division, Blytheville, AR 72316
Eastern College of Health Vocations
200 South University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72205
Little Rock Dental Assistant Academy
11600 Kanis Road, Suite 800, Little Rock, AR 72211
NorthWest Arkansas Community College
One College Drive, Bentonville, AR 72712
Pulaski Technical College
3000 W Scenic Dr, North Little Rock, AR 72118


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