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Find Dental Assisting Programs near Jefferson Valley-Yorktown, NY

Find a Jefferson Valley-Yorktown, NY. area or online school with dental assistant certificate classes, diploma, or associate degree programs. Training to become a dental assistant is relatively fast and takes about 9 months to 2 years, depending on the type of program you choose. Our partner colleges offer financial aid for students who qualify.

Learn about the requirements to apply to a dental assisting program or simply use the search application to connect with an excellent dental assistant school near Jefferson Valley-Yorktown.

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Dental Assisting Schools near Jefferson Valley-Yorktown, NY

State University of New York
53 Pendell Rd Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 44 miles from Jefferson Valley-Yorktown , NY
American Institute
346 Lexington Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011 58 miles from Jefferson Valley-Yorktown , NY

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